GitHub vs GitLab

Hansani Hirunika Bandara
2 min readMay 22, 2022


What is GitLab?

GitLab is a web-based DevOps lifecycle solution built by GitLab Inc. that includes a Git-repository manager as well as wiki, issue-tracking, and continuous integration/continuous deployment pipeline capabilities under an open-source license.

What is GitHub?

GitHub is a Git repository hosting service that provides several functionalities. While Git is a command-line program, GitHub offers a Web-based graphical interface. It also provides access control and numerous collaborative capabilities, such as wikis and basic task management tools, for each project.

The main difference between GitLab and GitHub

  • Data import and export. While GitLab has more import sources, GitHub is the clear winner. It has an import tool that can export complete wikis, problems, project uploads, and much more.
  • Authentication. Permissions are handled differently on the two systems. GitLab uses a role-based approach to give different levels of access. Members of the team can provide read or write access to individual repositories on GitHub.
  • The inner source. Adopting an open-source culture within a single organization. This is another place where GitLab excels since it inherently allows internal sourcing.
  • Confidentiality. GitLab provides a module that allows you to create confidential problems that need a high degree of access.

Authentication Levels

You may establish and change people’s permissions based on their job in GitLab. You may choose whether someone has read or write access to a repository on GitHub.

You may grant access to GitLab’s issue tracker without granting access to the source code, for example. This is ideal for bigger teams and companies with role-based contributors.


I used to use GitHub for a long time, and it’s where I learnt how to use Git, so it’s my first love. However, GitLab outperforms GitHub in terms of functionality and ease of deployment and Workflow.



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